Thursday, March 13, 2008

something just clicked

several months ago I promised myself I would write here more. I am very good at keeping promises to other people, not so great about keeping them to myself. Then I began what would be one of the roughest spots in my life thus far. I stumbled, I cried, I felt pitiful and I spent a lot of time questioning. My promise to myself to communicate my thoughts here went by the wayside as I allowed myself to be so consumed by what was falling apart around me.

Then the other day, something clicked. I realized what I keep telling my kids all the time was something I was not living my life by for myself. Since I know that we teach and guide more effectively through behaviors and actions then words, I decided to listen to my own advice.......

Every day when we wake up we can choose to be happy or we can choose to be unhappy. Who wouldn't CHOOSE to be happy?

In that moment of reflection a few days ago, I somehow let go of my anger and fears like letting a balloon go into the sky. I can actually CHOOSE to not let things bother me as much, to not let negativity consume me. It still goes on around me as certainly as the sun rises each morning. We were given free will by no accident so that we can make our own choices as to how we REACT to the world around us.

As for me, I wake up each day wondering what life will throw my way, all the while wondering what it will be trying to teach me. I do the best I can to show love in things I do, and not deny my fears, but wave to them in the sky where I let them go rather then let them bring me down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mel-I'm so glad you're blogging! I have checked in at random but now that I know you're back at it...I will be here weekly! Love the updates!!!! I will catch up when we get back from Kansas City. Love, Julie