Saturday, April 14, 2007

I'm all fired up!

Cameron's kindergarten class has 24 students. One teacher, no aide. It is too many. It's part of the reason that I feel so strongly about going in for 2 hrs each week. They NEED the help.

SInce we just moved here I am learning about how things work at this new school. Apparently, last year's kindergarten classes had 26 kids in each one. The parents got very vocal and weren't backing down, and 7 weeks into the school year, they added another class and re-organized the classes.

Yesterday was the info session for the kindergarten parents next year. The principal told the parents (one of my friends told me) that there would be 4 sections of K, and the class sizes were around 18. While I am very happy about that for my friends who have rising kindergarteners, it does make me mad that no one seemed to care about this year. The year has gone well, and Cameron's teacher is excellent, but she is human, and it would take super powers for ANY one person to effectively teach to ALL 24 kindergarteners by themself.

To top it off, there was an article in the local paper yesterday about budget cuts for our school district, and that the district would be losing 7 teachers combined. I emailed some questions to our governor about this upcoming vote for school funding and asked him HOW he could claim to have education as a priority when he was making decisions like this. Our town is growing....the population is INCREASING. How is it possible to CUT money when there are more children coming in? There are houses going up everywhere which means MORE I want answers. I do feel somewhat uneducated on how all this works, but darn it, I will GET educated. This is ridiculous.

My neighbor across the street has a son in Cameron's grade, and she is coming over next week to discuss what we can do as parents to try to lobby for smaller classes for first grade next year. I dont want to become a parent that the school administration hates to see coming, but this is about being an advocate for my children.

And so it beigns...........

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