Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yes, I am actually still alive

moving stinks....even if we did just move into our dream home. I can't get organized enough to have any time for myself or to write here, and I need to for my sanity.

I am coming out of hiding for 10 things I did today....even if it is on my plain jane looking site ;)

1. I rolled out of bed and took a clarinex like I have had to the last several days if I want to ever stop sneezing and have my eyes not be swollen shut.

2. I counted my blessings, then had a nice long cry about the fact that we STILL do not have a working telephone in our home.

3. I changed 5 poopy diapers today because my youngest princess will eat NOTHING but milk and blueberries......a diet that indeed causes a lot of diapers.

4. I dodged sippy cups of milk thrown by the princess mentioned above.....when she became angry that I tried to feed her something other than blueberries.

5. I called 3 people while standing in my driveway on my cellphone b/c it is the only place I get reception.

6. I took 5 kids to Dairy Queen after church class.

7. I then shuttled them all into the bathroom when the one child that wasn't mine had a toe bleeding like he was a stuck pig. Apparently he was with his mom yesterday, and standing in front of the door at the aquatic center when someone opened it and took his toenail along with it. Of course, then my one young prince had to STEP on his friends toe today, causing him to shriek and practically pass out from blood loss. Good times. Hey, at least we had all finished our ice creams already.

8. Then I got mad at myself for not resisting the ice cream.

9. I schlepped my 4 to oldest princesses soccer game, where she played beautifully and once got smacked right in the chest by a just-kicked ball. It took her breath away, brought tears to her eyes, and she peered at me. I gave her a thumbs up, and mouthed "take a deep breath, you'll be ok" and she continued playing instead of running to me. That is a big step for her.

10. Fed them all dinner, bathed them all, checked on the baby robin in the nest by Ava's window, read bedtime stories, tucked them in, gave them all kisses, blew the bad dreams out of the prince's head for the evening, rescued 2nd oldest princesses beloved Dewey the duck from the "depths of the floor right next to her bed (LOL)" and then finally sat down . Now I am off to clean up for another day......then I am going to count my blessings again!


living in PA said...

Good to see a blog from you again. I've missed reading about your day.
Sorry about the phone. ARGH

Maufi said...

yikes. Sounds busy. I can so relate with the soccer situation. Good for her. Mine will start again in August.


Cathy said...

Hooray, a post from Melly! You sound so busy. How sweet that you have a robin's nest!

Hugs, Cat

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Anonymous said...

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